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Ali Bukai

Chief Executive Officer

“I'm looking forward to competing in trade shows as a strong company and working with the different departments to create our business plan and market this product.”

Nehal Harrapanahalli

Chief Operating Officer

“I am excited to coming together as one big group, and make sure that we reach our full potential.”

Amani Shezad

Chief Financial Officer

“I am looking forward to working with my amazing team and growing to be a successful company as the year goes on.”

Catcher Welch

VP of Sales

“I am looking forward to going to trade shows and meeting new people.”

Andrew Lee

VP of Marketing

“Time efficiency and organization are important aspects of my life. I look forward to developing a service that will improves the lives of those willing to put in the work.”

Riz Gosla

VP of  Digital Media

“I look forward to creating many engaging and professional commercials for this company as well as going to different trade shows and hopefully making it to states.”

Jaiden Lee

VP of Communications

“I look forward to all of our competitions and all of the travelling we get to do!”

Noah Rin

VP of Art & Publications

“I am looking forward to going to various tradeshows and helping the company grow and hopefully be successful in the VE world.”

Rabina Kaur

VP of Human Resources

“I am looking forward to doing well in all of our Tradeshows and to get a chance to go to New York!”

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